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I, doctor

Dr. Joshua Tepper

Robotic nurses are caring for the elderly and assisting with surgery - computers are helping to diagnose cancer and plan personalized treatment plans. This is not the future, this is happening now.

Welcome to the era of robotics, artificial intelligence (AI) and big data. Technically nimble and visually adept robots combined with deep learning machines with access to large (and rapidly increasing) amounts of cloud-based data are poised to make unprecedented in-roads into the current technical and cognitive roles of different health care professionals.

The Art and Science of Measurement in Healthcare

Dr. Joshua Tepper

(Join Health Quality Ontario CEO Dr. Joshua Tepper for a tweet chat to discuss this topic on Nov. 8, 1:30 pm ET)

At Health Quality Ontario we like to measure things. After all, data is the cornerstone of quality improvement. But are we measuring the right things? Are we measuring too much? How do we move from measurement to improvement? How do we involve professionals and patients in deciding what we measure? How does personal experience balance data?

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