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Quorum: A Community of Practice Committed to Quality

Lee Fairclough

In a province where so many people are dedicated to improving health care quality in innovative ways how can Health Quality Ontario provide real support for these individuals?

One answer among many – build a platform of online tools to encourage those committed to quality improvement (QI) to network and share best practices.

Welcome to Quorum.

Hard Rock and Hard Truths

Dr. Joshua Tepper

Television shows are not reality…even (perhaps particularly) the reality TV ones.

In reviewing the important findings in the latest Health Quality Ontario report: Health in the North A report on geography and the health of people in Ontario’s two northern regions, one particular show came to mind.

In reviewing the important findings in the latest Health Quality Ontario report: Health in the North A report on geography and the health of people in Ontario’s two northern regions, one particular show came to mind.

Choosing Wisely for Better Care

Health care quality is defined as a health system that is safe, effective, patient-centred, timely, efficient, and equitable and the Choosing Wisely Canada campaign aligns with these goals.

Delivering high-quality care is about more than just appropriately providing care to those who require it in an equitable and safe fashion. It is also about not providing treatments, procedures or tests that are deemed to be unnecessary, or potentially harmful to patients.

Quality Improvement Plans Having an Impact

Lee Fairclough

We would like to congratulate the more than 1000 healthcare organizations who submitted their Quality Improvement Plans (QIPs) for 2017/18

These plans and the recently published reports documenting work over the previous year are not only tangible evidence of the growing quality care culture in Ontario, they also deserve careful review because they show how specific organizations in the various sectors are translating the principles of quality care to make real change at the community level. The lessons and successes from these organizations can benefit others

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