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Quality Improvement

MyPractice: General Surgery Report

For general surgeons who perform appendectomies, cholecystectomies, and select hernia repairs

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Learn even more about your practice by signing up for a confidential report that includes personalized data about your post-operative opioid prescribing for select general surgeries, along with suggestions to support you in improving care for your patients.

What’s in the Report?

  • Surgeon-level data so you can see your post-operative opioid prescribing for general surgeries—including appendectomies, cholecystectomies, and select hernia repairs— in relation to your peers
  • Practical tools and resources to help manage your patients’ post-surgical acute pain, including advice on the appropriate use of opioids
  • Suggestions to support you in improving health-care quality

As of February 2024, 101 (or 16%) of approximately 650 eligible general surgeons are signed up for a MyPractice general surgery report.

This report can be used as a tool to support your participation in the Ontario Surgical Quality Improvement Network’s Cut the Count campaign, and to earn credits toward the Maintenance of Certification program.

The MyPractice General Surgery report is part of Ontario Health (Quality)’s provincial strategy to support quality improvement in surgery.

Sample Report

MyPractice: General Surgery Sample Report (PDF)

Technical Appendix

MyPractice: General Surgery Report Technical Appendix (PDF)

Ontario Surgical Quality Improvement Network

A community of surgical teams from all specialties and hospital types dedicated to improving surgery for better patient outcomes.


Illustration of two people looking at data

Enhancing Surgical Recovery Campaign 2021-2022

Hospitals are supporting pandemic recovery and easing the surgical backlog by enhancing care before, during and after surgery to help patients feel better fast so they can get back to their daily lives.


graphic icon of a person sitting on the edge of a hospital bed

Cut the Count Campaign 2020-2021

Hospitals are working together to help patients effectively manage pain while reducing the number of opioid pills they prescribe to surgical patients at discharge, where appropriate.


graphic of a pill and capsule

For more information, contact

Note: MyPractice Reports will only be sent to the email address you used to register and will not be shared with anyone, including other agencies or physician groups.

Frequently Asked Questions

MyPractice: General Surgery report will provide you with confidential information about your opioid prescribing patterns — for patients who are discharged from the hospital following appendectomies, cholecystectomies and select hernia repairs — in relation to peers across the province.

You will also get practice ideas specific to opioid prescribing improvement topics, which means less effort and time having to search for solutions that may already exist.

This report is not available for anyone else to see other than the general surgeon who consents to receive it.

No, your report will not be shared with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Your MyPractice report will only be sent to the hospital-affiliated email address you provide upon registration and will not be shared with others, including other agencies, surgeon groups, or other members of your surgical team. The data and practice ideas featured in your confidential MyPractice report are specific to your practice to help you better understand your patients and how you can support them.

Yes, this report can help you earn credits towards the Maintenance of Certification (MOC) Program. The activity can be claimed under “Section 3: Practice Assessment” and you will receive 3 credits per hour. Please note that this may include the time spent receiving feedback and reflecting on the feedback.

You can receive your confidential MyPractice : General Surgery report by completing the notification of collection form found here. Once registered, your individual report will be sent to you via email as a PDF attachment, in alignment with the report release schedule.

Reports are available based on when registration is completed. The report registration deadline is March 31, 2020 for the first release of the report in July 2020. New registrations received after the deadline will be eligible to receive subsequent reports. Reports are refreshed with new data every six months.

The report is available to general surgeons who perform selected appendectomies, cholecystectomies, and hernia repairs and who bill to OHIP as the primary attending surgeon (i.e. with an “A” suffix).

The report is not available to medical residents, students and trainees who have an eligible specialty and a CPSO number but do not bill to OHIP as a primary attending surgeon for a procedure during any of the reporting periods. For detailed methodology on how we assign general surgeons to procedures, please see the Technical Appendix.

The MyPractice report was developed jointly by Ontario Health (Quality) and ICES, in consultation with general surgeons, anesthesiologists and scientists/researchers.

The data in the report is confidential and secure. Ontario Health (Quality) will only release identified/identifiable surgeon-level data to participating surgeons. Identified/identifiable surgeon-level data will not be shared with other parties without additional written consent from the participating surgeon.

For more information about how Ontario Health (Quality) manages and safeguards personal information, please review our privacy policy:

The reporting period covers six months of data, with approximately a seven-month delay in reporting. For example, in the July 2020 report, the most recent data period spans from April 1, 2019 to September 30, 2019. While the data is delayed due to how the data are collected/ processed, they provide a snapshot of your indicator values at a moment in time and a comparison to your peers for context. While Ontario Health (Quality) and our partners are always looking for ways to provide more timely data, we encourage you to also use local data sources to track and measure your progress.

In the report, all opioid prescriptions for pain management are included. Opioids for cough, antidiarrheals and opioid agonist therapy (methadone maintenance therapy or buprenorphine/naloxone) and injectable mixtures or injectable in cassette are excluded.

The following surgeries are included: laparoscopic appendectomies; laparoscopic cholecystectomies; outpatient laparoscopic and open inguinal/femoral and umbilical hernia repairs. Please see the Technical Appendix for details.

The Ontario values and percentages found in your report are provided for context only and do not represent a target.

If you would like information about other tools available to support you as you help patients manage pain, visit the Ontario Pain Management Resources.

To learn about participating in the Ontario Surgical Quality Improvement Network’s campaign for hospitals committed to helping patients effectively manage pain while reducing the number of opioid pills prescribed at discharge (where appropriate), visit Cut the Count.

To ensure confidentiality and to avoid additional steps in verifying your CPSO number, we request your consent using your hospital-affiliated email address.

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